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Cheap VOIP and Internet Telephony Options

You've asked for's advice on making cheap VOIP and PC to phone long distance calls.'s advice is that you should use one of the providers below if you want to make the cheapest calls from your PC.  If you want to learn more about VOIP and PC to phone calling, scroll down the page a bit.

Use the VOIP Search BOX to find the cheapest VOIP phone service.


There is the Telebay service of Packet8 VOIP phone service.  We very highly recommend this service as one you should take a look at.

"> PC to phone calling net 2 phone">Net2Phone reduces telephone bills by up to 95%. The Net2Phone Store features low cost calling solutions for individuals and businesses that have either narrowband (dial-up) or broadband (high-speed) Internet access anywhere in the world. The devices available range from single-line solutions that look, feel, and dial like a standard phone (and may not require a PC to make calls) to much larger and more involved systems.

I connect here, PC to phone is really the leader in Internet Telephony.  This may mean more to some than others, but they have the largest privately managed Global IP network in existence. You can make calls to any telephone in the world directly from your PC. People have reported savings of up to 75% off of their standard telephone bill.  Iconnecthere has some other great features in addition to the service, which supplement your pc to phone calling very nicely.

1.  What is VOIP?

Voice Over IP is a new way of making phone calls which lets you make telephone calls using your PC.  This is a great way to leverage the power of the Internet to make phone calls at greatly reduced call rates.  Anyone who has been paying attention in recent years can see that there has been a real revolution within the communication world: many people have begun to use PCs, and the Internet during work and outside of work to communicate: exchanging data (like images, sounds, documents), and sometimes, to talk to each other using applications like Netmeeting or Internet Phone.  This led to the development of the idea that this could be the future, allowing real-time vocal communication using computers and the Internet.  Enter VoIP (Voice over internet protocol).

VoIP allows its users to make calls using their computers.  This means that communication can take place from a sender's computer to a receiver's phone, or to a receiver's computer.

So what does that mean for me?

It means that if you want to make cheaper phone calls, you can sign up for cheap VOIP and spend less money on long distance calls.  Your calling rate can be much, much cheaper.

Because PC to phone technology is relatively new, there aren't that many providers of PC to phone/VOIP services, so it wasn't hard for us to pick the providers that we thought were the best.  So here they are again.


"> PC to phone calling net 2 phone">Net2Phone reduces telephone bills by up to 95%. The Net2Phone Store features low cost calling solutions for individuals and businesses that have either narrowband (dial-up) or broadband (high-speed) Internet access anywhere in the world. The devices available range from single-line solutions that look, feel, and dial like a standard phone (and may not require a PC to make calls) to much larger and more involved systems.

I connect here, PC to phone is really the leader in Internet Telephony.  This may mean more to some than others, but they have the largest privately managed Global IP network in existence. Make calls to any telephone in the world directly from your PC. People have reported  savings of up to 75% off of their standard telephone bill.  They have some other very nice features in addition to the service, which supplement your pc to phone calling very nicely.


You've asked for's advice on making cheap VOIP and PC to phone long distance calls.  We also have information on CallingAdvice about cheap calling cards.'s advice is that you should use one of the above service providers to make the cheapest calls from your PC.

(click here for the cheapest calls within America)


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